using the world wide web to share news about my wonderful daughter, all the while brainstorming little acts of subversion

Friday, September 12, 2008

A post-comp warning

I'm ABD- that means different things in different departments, but in mine, it means I'm all but dissertation- although I'm only post-comprehensive exams...that I passed today! Yippee! So all I have left now is my dissertation- get it?

But given the past three weeks (post-Palin, if you will), one thing has been made clear: I will focus my efforts largely on shredding McCain/Palin the next eight weeks until the general election. In other words, very little Katie. Very much politics.

I can't stand to watch my country descend into proto-fascism via McCain's impending police state. Group think does not a democracy make- I'm studying journalism for a reason- it makes a democracy, like it or not, and I WILL be a part of the Fourth Estate.

And, in the unlikely event that this country flakes out AGAIN in November a la 2004, I will proceed to light this place up. Watch me.

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