using the world wide web to share news about my wonderful daughter, all the while brainstorming little acts of subversion

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I'm starting to get a little embarassed

You know, I may have underestimated just how silly Oklahoma is. I don't know exactly how I forgot- it's kinda why I was trying to get the hell out of there in the first place. Over the past three years, I'd go home and wouldn't take long. Some headline on my in-laws' copy of the Oklahoman would remind me. But I forgot- it may just be the most fundamentalist state in the union. Really.

The really scary, scary, scary thing is that's okay with some folks. Like, they don't get why it's a problem to, you know, circulate fictitious, race-baiting emails about one of our presidential candidates and predict the end of the world upon Obama's election. I love some of these people, I really do, but it's beginning to make me a little embarrassed that Americans are so blinded by the Right's lies that they believe shit so ridiculous. That it would even give them pause, rather than comparing the candidates' platforms, paints a rather bleak picture of our country. I gotta say, perhaps those Founding Fathers (and I use that term cautiously) had it right when they didn't trust the American people. We're kinda proving them right in our inability to judge facts and evidence, rather than what belief system people adhere to and it's pros and cons.

It's a possibility that I'm perpetuating the belief that "traditional" peoples are backward; but in this case, people who use the Bible to justify their political beliefs are truly threatening the safety of this nation. They're using Jesus Christ to justify war- and then claiming that Muslims are the barbarians.

And what if Obama was a Muslim? Last I checked, the Constitution guarantees his right to be whatever religion he wants to be, even if it were some marginalized fundamentalist Christian sect that condones and even plans to overthrow or assassinate American leaders. But you don't see Christian groups being categorized as terrorists- unless, of course, they happen to be led by a brown-skinned man speaking of the continued oppression of his people. In that case, an American citizen (whose white mother was forced to cancel all her public appearances due to her untimely death from cancer) has his feet held to the fire because of his alleged religious affiliations, yet Sarah Palin's pleas to God to get that Alaskan pipeline and her conflation of the Iraq War with the 9/11 attacks go by with no problem.

Seriously, people, stop drinking the fucking Kool-Aid. This is getting embarassing. See it for the race-baiting that it is- those emails are NOT about the truth, although they may reveal the true character of some Americans who don't hesitate to believe that a Muslim being president is the worst thing that could happen to this country. It's not our decreasing civil liberties that scares fundamentalists- the very liberties that ensure their right to practice their religion freely- it's not the encroaching police state as evidenced by McCain's doublespeak- lies are truth and truth are lies, in spite of verifiable evidence to the contrary- it's the specter of a brown man with an unusual background that scares fundamentalists. It's his message of hope in a society accustomed to leaders (religious and governmental) using fear to pacify the masses. Our country has assassinated others for their message of hope and change, and we continue to assassinate Obama's character with these hateful, fictitious, RACIST messages circulating in cyberspace.

Don't buy into it, people. Please, for the love of God, don't.

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