using the world wide web to share news about my wonderful daughter, all the while brainstorming little acts of subversion

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

"The Markets" (scare quotes used deliberately)

You know what I hate about "the markets"? I hate that they're invoked as if it's not a group of people without an investment in something. WHO CARES (other than the lucky who have stock investments...which obviously, I am not well-off enough to have) if the stock markets react negatively to an announcement from President Obama. In my mind, that tells me he's correcting "the markets."

Free market theory, be damned. Seriously. "The Markets" do not comprise rational people or entities working in the best interest of everyone else- they work with their own self-interest in mind and they don't give a shit about what happens to non-shareholders. So enough about "the markets."

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