using the world wide web to share news about my wonderful daughter, all the while brainstorming little acts of subversion

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The joys of walking, the glimpses of toddlerhood

We've gone in the past five days from dreading walking and only doing it on demand, to roaming the house, falling down repeatedly, and laughing the whole time. It's adorable- even after she took a particularly nasty spill which ended with her bumping her head, she was right back in the saddle. She can go to downward-facing-dog position (in yoga, that's when your butt is in the air and your hands are touching the ground) straight to standing. And, she does not want to be held; if so, not for very long. And when she doesn't get her way, she gets very, very upset. And, we don't like to eat much of anything.

We've got our hands full. Those blissful days of baby-hood are slowly ending around here. But she's hilarious and as independent as they come.

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