using the world wide web to share news about my wonderful daughter, all the while brainstorming little acts of subversion

Monday, May 5, 2008

The Terror of the Grass

Spring comes late to Iowa. In fact, Katie and I took our first walk only three weeks ago. This should be shocking to everyone in Oklahoma, who have enjoyed spring since Christmas practically. This is probably the latest I've seen things bloom here- the trees have yet to fully leaf and our Oriental Magnolia out front still has blooms on it. My tulips haven't even all opened yet- those that bother to grow at all, that is.

There's some disjunctive process of spring going on, though. While my forsythia went straight to leaf, my phlox are kinda blooming first. My rose bushes are finally starting to green, and I saw the first blades of my lavender plant. My day lilies, however, are full. No stalks have come up yet, but its only a matter of time. It's like the plants are all trying to make up for the late start. They've eschewed full blooms for the leaves. I was really looking forward to my forsythia blooming, namely so I could take a picture of Katie next to the bright yellow flowers.

I was reminded today, though, that this is Katie's first spring. They try and take the babies outside at day care but more often than not, the whether doesn't cooperate. Eric and I loaded her up in the stoller this afternoon and went for a long walk. When we got home, we spread the blanket covering her during the walk on the grass so she could finally feel the grass.

Katie didn't know what to do. She'd crawl to the perimeter of the blanket and once her hand hit the grass, she'd recoil. She simply would not touch the grass or go beyond the blanket. In fact, she leaned as far back as possible to avoid getting off the blanket. As Eric said, it was like she was touching thorns. We sat outside with her for a good half hour, sitting on the grass. As long as her hands weren't touching it, she was fine. But she just didn't know what to think of the greenery. I told her she'd be rolling down hills before she knew it.

The video is really the best footage of her disdain of the grass.

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