There's this crazy-addictive forward going around facebook called, "25 random things." I posted mine- like I said, it's crazy addictive. Anyways, everyone's posting one (you list 25 random things about yourself), and out of nowhere, a new not-friend (he's not a friend in the sense that I have never personally met him, but he is a friend of friends (some of whom may qualify as not-friends, too), and Eric knows him; he's even older than Eric), posted some shit when he posted his 25 random things. *wow- I just used parentheses in parentheses. That can't be right.
Here's my thoughts before I go to bed early (that being, before midnight): this whole 25 things is a practice in narcissism- I broadcast things I want you to know about's all about me (or, you, I guess, whoever is filling it out and publishing I did). So I figure there's some repressed need, or that a psychoanalyst would have something interesting to say about what it is exactly that we post on these 25 random things- what do we identify that we want people to know? And what do those 25 things tell us about that person? And I should really turn this into a paper, now that I think about it...
So, this person, a certain Mr. Eric Dionne Baker, and I had a cyber run-in pre-President Obama about reproductive rights. Perhaps anyone reading this might remember these exchanges. It was heated- to say the least. Our mutual friend (actual friend, not not-friend) mentioned my blog to Mr. Baker, who then posted responses. Fine.
But here's one excerpt from his 25 things:
"15. If I had the time, I would love to *really* connect with each of my facebook friends, I love the personal interactions we get to have and not just the cattle-call announcements!!"
Before that, however, he writes this:
"9. I enjoy debating pro-choice people, especially on their blogs. The problem with this hobby though is that when they run out of arguments, they usually cuss you out and walk away. And really, regardless of who delivers it, nobody likes to be cussed out, right?"
His point is, of course, that I ran out of arguments and turned instead to cussing him out and walking away. Consider this me, walking away:
First, reproductive rights is one of many important political issues- though it should not be the ONLY issue and furthermore, it should not be an issue at all. You should not have control over my body. Period.
Second, unlike the crazy fundamentalists out there, I do not believe that marriage between people of the same gender or the choices people make about their reproduction is any of my business. I do not think it is the end of the world, nor is it the sign of the end-times if two people commit themselves to each other in whatever way they see fit, regardless if they have identical peepees or not. These choices DO NOT affect me or my ability to conduct my life in any way. They do not hinder my ability to make a living, to raise my child- it doesn't even block traffic on the road. Nor do I find any pleasure in concocting legislation that discriminates against friends and people I care about.
With a music background, I imagine that Mr. Baker, too, knows a few gay folks, and probably a few that have had to make a choice re: whether or not to have a baby. I'm glad he can sleep at night knowing he condones prejudice against them or stripping any of their rights, or declaring their lives deviant and pathological.
However, if I find there is something else to talk about, if I've run out of insults to hurl at the anti-intellectual crazies out there, forgive me for having something else to do. Sadly, the hurt that this narrow-minded belief system inflicts upon the world spreads beyond these two issues that should not be issues at all- yet, they are issues- and direct my work and concentration elsewhere. I've said what needs to be said. If it needs to be said some other way by some one else, I have a few links on the side over there that might enlighten you further- if not repetitively- about my view point.
But, don't go pushing buttons if you don't want a response. Don't be an ass and expect a pat on the back. In other words, don't fucking patronize me and expect me to giggle and capitulate. Because you don't know me, and clearly, you don't get my point.
I think that is the point, though. Back to the psychoanalysis: apparently, Mr. Baker's a stand-up guy. I've never actually met him and must take people's word for it. But, I ask, what does he want- what does it mean- that he pushed this button again? Am I the only pro-choice person he knows? Am I that significant that he's gotta talk shit again, when this is so in the past, it's that much more annoying to be reminded the exchange happened? That of all the random things he could post, this is the shit that caught his attention?
So, without being too provocative because there is certainly more I could say here, I ask the same question I asked my students, and that I encouraged them to ask of anything:
what does this mean?