using the world wide web to share news about my wonderful daughter, all the while brainstorming little acts of subversion

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Why John McCain is NOT fit to be president, or, the most dispicable 2008 campaign tactic YET

Senator John McCain has reached a new low. I have been consumed with his pick of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin for two weeks now. Instead of studying for my oral exams this Friday, I've been researching her and why her nomination for VP is an insult to American women and to America at large. And now, instead of writing with updates about Katie, McCain's campaign has pulled a maneuver that makes it that much harder for me to disengage with the GOP's disgraceful run to maintain power the next eight years...or, put another way, potentially for the majority of my daughter's childhood.

Here it is: McCain's campaign has released an ad stating that Obama has no record on education, except for a bill in the Illinois state legislature that would, supposedly, give sex ed to kindergartners. See his ad below:

Now, the GOP attacks on sex ed/pregnancy and STD prevention aside, this is A COMPLETE AND TOTAL MISREPRESENTATION AND FABRICATION of the bill in question. Obama's bill in the state legislature would have, besides giving parents the ability to opt-out, TAUGHT KIDS TO RECOGNIZE INAPPROPRIATE TOUCHING BY STRANGERS. In other words, the bill that McCain claims (and remember, he "approves of this message") would teach little kids about sex would actually help prevent child molestation.

So, in keeping with this logic, I agree with other bloggers; I hope the Obama campaign twists McCain's ad to suggest that perhaps, just PERHAPS McCain is in fact pro-pedophile and pro-molestation, because he's clearly NOT in favor of legislation to protect children. In fact, it seems the only thing McCain is in favor of, as evidenced in this shameless misrepresentation of the facts and his pandering to the far, far, far right wing of the American populace, is winning the election. Without integrity.

What a joke. Or, as the Obama campaign responded, "It is shameful and downright perverse for the McCain campaign to use a bill that was written to protect young children from sexual predators as a recycled and discredited political attack against a father of two young girls – a position that his friend Mitt Romney also holds."

"Last week, John McCain told Time magazine he couldn’t define what honor was. Now we know why,” says Obama spokesman Bill Burton in an emailed statement."

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