using the world wide web to share news about my wonderful daughter, all the while brainstorming little acts of subversion

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The baby powder incident

Except when Katie's sleeping, we now realize that silence portends...something. It's not...good.

The other night, Eric was sitting in the living room, I was in the dining room at my desk. Katie was in her room. After awhile, I noticed how quiet it was in there. She wasn't dragging toys out or getting frustrated. So I turned around, looked in her room, and started to giggle. I told Eric to come look: Katie had gotten her diaper wipes down and was taking them out, one by one.

Then, a few moments later, I smelled something in the air. Turning around again, I started laughing uncontrollably, and told Eric to come look again. He asked what is was, and I asked him back, "Does it smell powder fresh in here to you?"

We had left the baby powder open next to the diaper wipes. She had gotten a hold of it, and there was baby powder puddled all around her.

What good times.

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