using the world wide web to share news about my wonderful daughter, all the while brainstorming little acts of subversion

Monday, March 16, 2009

Are you kidding me?!?!?!

Of course, a story questioning breastfeeding is written by a man. Ack!

(big breath in, big breath out)


Vanessa said...

ugh. so frustrating. the caption on the photo reads "Breast-feeding provides benefits to mothers and babies, but can also be uncomfortable and inconvenient for working moms." um...last time i checked, exercise was also uncomfortable and inconvenient, but people still do it b/c there are benefits!!

i get frustrated with the over use of the phrase "can't breastfeed." studies show that low supply only affects a very small percentage of women. most women that don't breastfeed choose not to or think that they can't because of misinformation.

i'm also tired of the media drawing such huge lines between FF and BF moms. in real life, i know plenty of women who do both and they're not separated by the 'west side story'-type battle lines that the media portrays.

do i think breastmilk is better than formula? absolutely. do i care what you feed your kid? absolutely not.

MaryAnn said...

And it's such a false dichotomy. You breastfeed or you don't- symbolically pitting mothers against one another. It can take time to learn how to nurse, it's not always wonderful, but I'm a firm believer that while media do not cause people to do anything directly, stories like this that emphasize any sort of difficulty regarding nursing prime women to think that there will be problems or to expect problems with nursing...when there may be none. I doubted my supply the whole time I nursed Katie and looking back, I know what I'll do differently this time. But I can't help but wonder if I would have doubted or stressed about my supply if it hadn't been for all those negative stories about nursing.