Yeah, I'm for ending this war. I see it as an imperialist, neoliberal ploy to expand certain people's power that's ending up killing thousands and maiming thousands more of our troops, not to mention the hundreds and maybe millions of Iraqis that have been killed in our overwrought powergrab. But clearly, questioning war is not patriotic in the minds of some. Rather, dissent is intolerable for those who claim to be the most patriotic.
Well, I'm afraid this isn't the military. We can question our commander and thankfully, we still have the ability to do so, according to that lovely little First Amendment of ours, however misappropriated and mangled it is coming out of Sarah Palin's mouth.
But, to be more productive, what does it mean to support the troops? Does it mean sending them on a dummy mission, to an endless war? Or does it mean arming them with the best leaders and intel available, providing them with the best armor and gear possible, and then the best care after they've left combat, to ensure that they're successful at what they do, in general?
If that's the case, McCain certainly supports his troops in one regard: he's not quite sure when he wants to end the war in Iraq. But, on the other, he fails miserably. For someone so "pro-soldier," he sure sucks. Don't believe me? Then maybe you'll listen to military veterans:
Oh, and I guess this means Colin Powell doesn't the support the troops, either. The hypocrisy never seems to end, it seems.
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